Monday, April 17, 2006

Paying my gay tax

I'm married here in Massachusetts, and last year after a little fight with my new mean-spirited benefits provider ADP TotalSource about documentation*, was able to enroll my spouse under my healthcare plan. This isn't really much of a change -- I enrolled him during in our living-in-sin days as a domestic partner.

Another thing which hasn't changed is that I owe federal taxes on the money my employer pays to insure my spouse. We're not talking about my healthcare contribution. My employer's part of the insurance bill for my spouse (but not the part for me) counts as additional taxible income for me.

I think that sucks, and people are constantly shocked to hear about it. Here's a reminder for any of my 3.75 regular readers who don't know this is the case. Of course, I can also take the opportunity to thank Bill Clinton for signing DOMA into law.

*in which I solidly kicked their ass


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