Wednesday, March 15, 2006

It doesn't stop with banning gay marriage

There's a clear progression that reactionaries are taking in order to roll back gay rights: ban marriage, ban adoption, remove gays from schools, then re-criminalize sodomy. That opens the door to the wholesale harassment and arrest that existed for much of the last century.

Step two in the plan is progressing well:
Currently, Florida, Mississippi, and Utah have laws that ban gay adoption explicitly, although a few other states - including Nebraska, Arkansas, Missouri, and New Hampshire - have de facto policies or laws restricting gays from adopting or becoming foster parents.

Seven states introduced bills last year that would prevent gays or lesbians from adopting, and a few states - Georgia, Kentucky, Missouri, and Tennessee, among others - have indicated a willingness to introduce constitutional amendments in future years. A bill in Arizona would force the state to give priority to married couples adopting. Ohio is considering a bill that would ban gays from being either adoptive or foster parents.
Let's be clear: to align with any step in this progression is associate with people who want gays and lesbians in prison. Don't fool yourself.

(via drudge)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In another rollback, the Bush Administration has changed rules for obtaining security clearance such that now clearance can be denied for no other reason than sexual orientation. The slippery slide down the Nazi slope continues.

12:52 PM  

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